Saturday, 23 July 2011



Long time no see. Well as you may or may not know I have made a movie. It's on Youtube now.

Youtube - How I Get Some

It's a comedy of my life. Dont worry i don't do this...'cause I don't have friends...

ANYWAY subscribe and like it please and that's the end.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

SNES and NES on the DS

Hi there,

Lately I've been wondering "How can I play emulators on the DS?" I wanted to play SNES and NES games. I have the roms and emulators for the computer but I don't have the DS version. So I went searchin' and have finally found a place thanks to this guy.
Another Tech Blog - How to snes and nes nintendo ds

Monday, 4 July 2011

Kirby Wii - Views and Expectations

Hi there,

As you may know. For years now Nintendo have been saying they are going to release a Kirby game for the Gamecube but that was cancelled and said that  it is now being adapted for the Wii.

The Cancelled Kirby game.
 What did come out was Kirby's Epic Yarn. Great game, fun to play in co-op and single player. Though it did lack the classic Kirby gameplay, where you would eat foes and gain abilities, which we know and love. Well I do. It was a simple game and had a significant Kirby Canvas Curse vibe to it.

Beside all that, at E3 2011 they have confirmed a new Kirby game for the Wii (and Kirby: Mass Attack for the DS not 3DS). I've never been to E3 before but it is still waiting on my bucket list. This game has been called Kirby Wii (woo...). Original name I know. Well I'm here to give you my expectations and views on this game.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Facebook; Friends and Unfriends

Hi there!

You know what I hate? When people ask you to be friends on Facebook and you decline their request. So they ask again. There was this girl named Katie or something of the like and she sent about 20 requests. Finally I got tired so I sent her a message saying "GO AWAY! >8( " But that's how I'm saying it here because I was actually brutal to her.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Let's Play Terraria, Gamer Pride, and Using Your Brain

Hi there!

You know what's been on my mind other than Kirby? No? You don't care? Well unfortunately neither do I. If you've been reading my Shlogs you will know that I'm trying to get Terraria working. Though it just won't work. *Sigh* it's so annoying. But The thing that has been on my mind is that I want to make a Lets Play with my friend on Terraria. Well since Terraria really goes forever I was thinking I'd do 25 ten minute episodes. That's 250 minutes which means that it's around 4.17 hours. And yes I am super smart I did that in my head. I'm just joking I didn't. I did it on a calculator. THANK YOU MISTER CALCULATOR! So yeah you can look forward to it on my youtube channel Shlogme. I got a head set thing with a mike but I don't know if my friend has one. I'm not sure it works.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Kirby's Eipc Yarn

Hello again to me dear Shloggers!

Well if you are a crazy stalker then this is a message for you! Wait if you're a stalker you would already know this...oh well. Today I woke up at aproximately 7:50 am. Which, I know, is very un-teenagerish. But for me that is quite late. Well I have a reason lately I have been tired (still) from the musical FAME. So yeah I guess I'm trying to catch up on sleep. Anyway getting my mind out of the gu--haha oops I spelt the word 'Epic' in the total as eipc. Hahaha!

Anyway as I was originally saying I spent 8 hours I think watching a let's play/guide/walkthrough of Kirby's Epic Yarn. I watched Kwing play it with his Kwife. And I must say that their lets plays are the BEST EVER!!! It's funny and Kwife is just adorable. And she does a pretty good Kirby impersonation and her dream jobs sound totally awesome. They're funny cute and make you wanna just die.

On another note these things make you wanna die too. Well me, you guys don't know what go through. My cousin bought Kirby's Epic Yarn. And my sister got to play it. I mean I should be the one with Wii and Kirby's Epic Yarn and I should run around as Kirby and I should be the one playing it first!!! I mean they don't like Kirby as much as me. Do they have Kirby game soundtracks on their iPods? NO! Have they seen every single episode of Hoshii no Kaabii? NO! Have they got an account on Kirby's Raonbow Resort so they can get fast leaked information on anything Kirby related? NO! Have they played as many Kirby games as me? NO! Do they have Kirby pride that makes them aggressive about things like this? NO!!! Then why did this happen?! I'm sorry I got a Kirby pride that is a little angry at times.

Also my friend, Jubbles from my last post told me while school was on that my blog's background/theme seemed depressing. Well yeah I guess so. Compared to my normal posts hahaha. Anyway yes I will change it eventually. Also check out wait I'll show you later.

Well that's it folks! Do you have a pride that makes aggressive? Like my Kirby one? If so I would like to know because I don't want to be the only one here with a rage pride. SHLOGME and a I will get to you, though no one will.

Anyway thank you for reading, and don't forget to SHLOGME!!!

Saturday, 25 June 2011



Finally semester two has finished. First term was spent getting tired because it went for 12 weeks. Then we spent the last week of the second term doing nothing so on Wednesday I skipped school and had friends over... well only one person, Jubbles...I invited my other friend, Honto. I wanted to play Left for Dead on my bro's XBOX 360 but Honto had the game and couldn't go cause she had to groceries and when she finished her mum was like "WELL IT'S TOO LATE NOW!" So Derpy couldn't come. Aw. Well nevertheless I did have fun with Jubbles. We watched Hoshii no Kaabii. It was fun.

ANYWAY! Holidays are finally here and I plan to spend some time of it sleeping. As I'm still tired of the school musical.

Also as roday i spent the day watching Kirby and playing minecraft. I'm resorting to minecraft as Terraria won't work on both of my computers. And when I say my Nanna's and my Family's. Also Nanna doesn't even know how to use a computer. Anyway. I said I wasn't going to play minecraft a couple days ago as i found diamonds and then a monster pushed me into lava, which really pissed me off. But i have returned repeatedly but now I have finally made a  reliable seed. Its called Hoshii no Kaabii. Its a nice world. But there's an entrance to a huge cave that's fun to explore though it is annoying when it comes to dying.

But I have to say that I'd prefer Terraria over minecraft. As you do not lose all your items when you die. You only lose half your money. Terraria has a larger range of enemies and I'd have to say I get sucked in more easily and have much more fun playing. Plus animals don't look like derpful and are cuter and the adventure apsect is larger. Though this is my own opinion and i don't care if you don't like it. The problem is it doesn't work on my computers. So I play it on other people's. Rude I know but I've owned it for more than a month now. What else am I supposed to do? And I put it on my Dad's computer which is at his shop. But he's a butt face and won't let me play. So I am begging Mum to fix the Family computer but she'll forget without a doubt unless I nag her. But she gets angry at me when I ask her to fix it. Sigh.

Are you having troubles with Terraria? Do you find it boring or fun. Because the other day this person I din't like said on Facebook that Terraria was boring,  beg to differ. So I deleted him from my friend list. But I didn't like him in the first place.

Anyway, Happy holidays. Enjoy these to weeks.
Shlogme anything CIAO!!!

Saturday, 18 June 2011


Hello fello Shloggers,

I have a deviantart account called physicked. For those who do not know you can find amazing and beautiful artworks on deviant art. You can find poems, comics, paintings, graphic things and much much more.

Last night I had an art exhibition at my school. It was very fun and interesting. And down stairs were all the A+ grade artworks and installations. They were really beautiful and intricate, some even disturbing. Which I loved. My friend (who is a fellow Blogger) is a great artist. She and her Mum make awesome little badgers which are delicately hand crafted and the images are just beautiful. I bought one for $6 that said:

Draw a self portrait-
With your eyes closed."

I thought it was awesome. I got Saturday art classes so I'll wear it there. Their little company is called Small Change Wares, they have blog but I cannot find it. Though I do know her deviantart. It's Linked here:
And mine is:

But I think I found a link to the blog!   YAY! Found it! Please if you don't know whether to buy one or not, buy one because they are beautiful.

Okay well I guess that's it! Do you have a blog or deviantart? Shlogme and I'll have a look!

See ya Shloggers.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

I got no idea...

Well. Here I am again. I am extremely bored so I decided to do a random post even though nobody is currently reading my stuff. Well, yesterday I did my drama assessment and let me tell you it went bad! First of all I screwed my lines up and I forgot to bring a prop on stage so it looked stupid getting it. But I don't think people noticed. But my friend did waaaaaaaay better. He's a great actor and he did his on MPD ( Multiple Personality Disorder ). We had to do it on something  we cared a lot about since we were doing we're doing documentary drama. Maybe he has it. I can picture him with it after that. Anyway he did this scene where he got an apple corer out and acted as this aggressive mother and everybody got chills up our backs.

I'll post a picture of me up eventually but I'll crop it so it's only my face 'cause you know. The photo's were taken by my friend. MY BFF! No, I'm only joking. I just made my little brother cry by telling him not to cry. Ugh, he's so stupid.

For the past three nights I've been having Pho Bo Beef for dinner. It's really nice! I made it, I felt so proud of myself when i tasted it. It's really cool because when you make it, you don't cook the beef, you cut it thin then place it in the serving bowls with the noodles. Then you add the hot soup which is just beef stock with ginger and garlic left to heat.

Ugh, my older brother's being a dick again. I don't care though because that's who he is. A sexist homophobe. Well he's only joking, but it gets tiring and not funny, well to tell the truth I just laugh at his non-sexist and homophobe jokes to make him feel better. I guess I'm mean as well. Wow, this is getting depressing. I'm going to stop.

Ciao, don't forget to Shlogme!

Well hello there!

I know many of you wont even come back and I don't mind. But I will become famous one day and so will my blog. I will become famous through acting but I don't care about fame. Though I did act a school musical FAME! therefore I had to care about fame. Anyway I will give you a rundown of me, myself and I.

My name is Sho hence why this blog is called SHLOGME. Stupid I know but what ever that what happens when you have mind like mine. My Mum and Dad died long ago. LONG AGO THEY DIED!!! I'm sorru they didn't. I'm just listening to 'Harry Freaking Potter' by Starkid. I'm still in high school and I only trust people I know legit. So Internet predators go away you perverted butt faces. I'm a big fan of Kirby. Kirby was made by NINTENDO and HAL Laboratorys. I got an awesome Kirby toy from supernova and yes it is incomprehensibly adorable. I like to act and do art. I like to sing but I don't know if I'm good at it. I'm bad at all sports but I don't care. One day I will become an actor. I will go to NIDA and study acting there and get good marks and make it into the acting industry. As acting is a hard profession to become a part of my back up is an artist ( big difference in pay I know) or a mangakan.

Well I guess I should shut up because I'm rambling, and yes I am a guy. Also to all my school friends out there you'll be able to see into my mind but don't worry I'll won't mention names.

Well this is it this is the start of my blog. Don't forget to SHLOGME!!!